Hello, I'm going to create a function that takes the mean from the list in the list.
grades = [
['Student', 'Quiz 1', 'Quiz 2', 'Quiz 3'],
['Joe', 100, 90, 80],
['McD', 88, 99, 111],
['Ruta', 50, 56, 67],
['Kang', 60, 62, 67],
['Samanda', 70, 79, 88],
['Mina', 98, 99, 100]]
I'll explain the first list From the second list, it contains data. And the first data in the second list is string.
I'm not used to coding, so I don't know where to start... I can't understand even if I read about the 2D list on the Internet.lol
average = sum(maria.values()) / len(maria)
Even if I tried to subtract the number using value(), it didn't work out as I wanted How should I approach it?
python list def
How to use Pandas.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> grades = [
['Student', 'Quiz 1', 'Quiz 2', 'Quiz 3'],
['Joe', 100, 90, 80],
['McD', 88, 99, 111],
['Ruta', 50, 56, 67],
['Kang', 60, 62, 67],
['Samanda', 70, 79, 88],
['Mina', 98, 99, 100]]
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(grades[1:], columns=grades[0])
>>> df
Student Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3
0 Joe 100 90 80
1 McD 88 99 111
2 Ruta 50 56 67
3 Kang 60 62 67
4 Samanda 70 79 88
5 Mina 98 99 100
>>> df['Average'] = df.apply(lambda row:(row['Quiz 1']+row['Quiz 2']+row['Quiz 3'])/3, axis=1)
>>> df
Student Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Average
0 Joe 100 90 80 90.000000
1 McD 88 99 111 99.333333
2 Ruta 50 56 67 57.666667
3 Kang 60 62 67 63.000000
4 Samanda 70 79 88 79.000000
5 Mina 98 99 100 99.000000
Method using dictionary
grads= []
grades.append({'student':'Joe', 'Quiz 1':100, 'Quiz 2':90, 'Quiz 3':80})
grades.append({'student':'McD', 'Quiz 1':88, 'Quiz 2':99, 'Quiz 3':111})
grades.append({'student':'Ruta', 'Quiz 1':50, 'Quiz 2':56, 'Quiz 3':67})
grades.append({'student':'Kang', 'Quiz 1':60, 'Quiz 2':62, 'Quiz 3':67})
grades.append({'student':'Samanda', 'Quiz 1':70, 'Quiz 2':79, 'Quiz 3':88})
grades.append({'student':'Mina', 'Quiz 1':98, 'Quiz 2':99, 'Quiz 3':100})
for list in grades:
print ('average of student', list.get('student'), (list.get('Quiz 1') +list.get('Quiz 2')+list.get('Quiz 3'))/3 )
average of student Joe 90.0
average of student McD 99.33333333333333
average of student Ruta 57.666666666666664
average of student Kang 63.0
average of student Samanda 79.0
average of student Mina 99.0
The dictionary compression is available as follows.
grades = [
['Student', 'Quiz 1', 'Quiz 2', 'Quiz 3'],
['Joe', 100, 90, 80],
['McD', 88, 99, 111],
['Ruta', 50, 56, 67],
['Kang', 60, 62, 67],
['Samanda', 70, 79, 88],
['Mina', 98, 99, 100]]
{row[0] : sum(row[1:]) / len(row[1:]) for row in grades[1:]}
{'Joe': 90.0,
'McD': 99.33333333333333,
'Ruta': 57.666666666666664,
'Kang': 63.0,
'Samanda': 79.0,
'Mina': 99.0}
I calculated it by referring to the given list without changing it to pandas or dictionary.
This is the result of running on Jupiter laptop.
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