What is map(&:name) like?

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 106 views

I saw this code in RailsCast and I don't know what map(&:name) is like (&:name).

def tag_names
  @tag_names || tags.map(&:name).join(' ')

parameter ruby syntax operator

2022-09-22 15:35

1 Answers

tags.map(&:name.to_proc).Same as short join(' ')

Can be written when foo is an object with the to_proc method, and

Handing over the factor with &foo is the same as handing over the result of calling foo.to_proc to the factor.

class Symbol
  def to_proc
    Proc.new do |obj, *args|
      obj.send self, *args

2022-09-22 15:35

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