How do you write DLL files created by others?

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 69 views

I'm embarrassed, but I don't know because it's a shamDLLs have only recently begun to be dealt with;;;;

First of all, I succeeded in making dll with C for speed and writing it on Python with c type. However, in this process, we had to know the exact names and implementation types of functions in the DLL in advance.

In addition, in order to load and compile a CDLL from C, the DLL was needed only when running, and when compiling, the lib file and the header file of that DLL were required.

The header file seems to be... read the implementation of the DLL, so I think it can be omitted, but I'm not sure.

The problem is that these DLLs are more likely to use other people's DLLs than they are to use themselves, but each time, if there is no documentation about the DLLs that others accurately describe, it seems to be unusable.

Regarding this, please share your know-how on how to distribute and obtain and use DLLs.

If I distribute the program I made, I have to think about how to make this DLL work for others.


2022-09-22 15:10

1 Answers

Of course. You must provide it as a document.

COM was created to eliminate such shortcomings of DLLs.

우리가 흔히 말하는 ActiveX 가 COM의 구현체중에 하나입니다.

If you create it with dual interface, you can use it in languages without virtual tables (scripts such as javascript), and you can see the methods and fields without a separate document file.

However, the problem with COM is that it is extremely cumbersome and difficult to create an interface for binaries.

If it's inconvenient to use, no matter how good the technology is, you won't be able to use it easily.

For that reason, we use simple DLLs rather than COM.

2022-09-22 15:10

If you have any answers or tips

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