I have to kill the ubuntu zombie process, but I can't tell which one is the zombie processㅜㅜ

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 66 views

I don't know the ubuntu server at all, but first of all, I typed ssh [use name] in the office and I'm touching the batch file in crontab. But I heard that there is a zombie process that can take a lot of load on the server, so I want to delete the zombie process, but I don't know which one is the zombie process;; The picture below is my screen that comes out by entering the ps-ef command I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to distinguish the zombie process and how to delete it in batches.

ubuntu linux process server

2022-09-22 13:54

1 Answers

Batch deletion is not important, but you need to know why the process of defunct occurs.

If it becomes a defunct, or zombie process, the parent process will folk the child process and kill first, the child process will be defuncted.

It also occurs when the parent process folks the child process and kills the child process, but the parent process does not know the exit status.

When ps -ef, the PID is my process ID and the PPID is my parent process ID.

ps-aux | grep defunct and you'll see the details.

Check the ppid and kill the parent process.

2022-09-22 13:54

If you have any answers or tips

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