C++ vs Python

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 82 views

I am currently studying C++

More and more people around me are using Python, and everyone is moving on to Python.


Thank you.

programming language

2022-09-22 12:19

1 Answers

Don't look at the language and learn it, but look at the areas you want to enter and study.

Python's recent popularity is based on the popularity of data science based on data mining and artificial intelligence. Scientists are one of the big pillars of Python users. Matlab alternatives or weak programming are widely used by healthcare workers and data analysts.

So if the questioner is going to go into the data science field or the medical field, Python is going to be a very important tool.

=> Python benefits from productivity. - The Python ecosystem is already proven by a number of proven modules. It's no exaggeration to say that most of the features you want are implemented. - Dynamic type, GC support for simplified configuration of algorithms - Interpreter makes debugging easy. - It provides a consistent data type. In particular, the sequence type is powerful, making it easy to create data structures. - By default, it provides REPL, making it easy to test the algorithms that come to your mind right away.

=> This is a different purpose. In the case of c/c++, it can be said that it is unique in the system programming area, and even if all the operating systems currently used are written in C, it will continue to be unique in the system area. This is a question that must be selected according to the area you want to enter. However, to use Python well, you have to do C well to some extent. The performance and GIL problems, which are the drawbacks of Python, are usually supplemented or bypassed by creating an expansion module with C.

=> I think it means Python's productivity. If you write this part in C and rewrite it in Python, you will feel it. Usually, it can be written with 7 to 10 times less code (line). Less code is good for maintenance and reduces debugging time proportionally. Moreover, the interpreter simplifies debugging, which shortens the overall development cycle.

=> Comparison is meaningless. C/C++ is often used for system programming or to obtain optimized binaries. Among the existing programming languages, C is the language that produces the fastest binary except assembly. Python, on the other hand, is about 20 to 30 times slower than C. In other words, many S/W companies create prototypes with Python, verify and re-produce them with C/C++/JAVA.

=> If you lump it and say "embedded," it has a wide range. The most traditional embedded market, the Micom sector, is still strong in C. However, Java is strong in set-top boxes and smartphones. In the embedded market, Python has fewer pies.

2022-09-22 12:19

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