[Android] I want to know how to transfer data between apps -> Web -> apps.

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 148 views

I've solved how to call an app on the web, but I'm not sure how to get the data from the delivery together.

I can't find it even if I search for it.

Is there a way? Please leave comments <

android data intent

2022-09-22 12:19

1 Answers

You must have used webView.addJavaScriptInterface for calling apps on the web, and

webView.loadUrl ("javascript:foo(' + someParams+"") When you make a web call from an app, you can hand over data in the form of calling a specific JavaScript function.

(There may be other better ways, so please note that in mind~)

2022-09-22 12:19

If you have any answers or tips

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