There are glasses in the character, and I want to change these glasses to a different shape. It was possible to change it itself, but it moves strangely because it moves. Do you happen to know why?
Animation used a site called
const glasses = this.resources.items.glasses2.children.filter((m) => m instanceof Mesh)[0]//.scene.children[0].children[1];
this.char3.instance.traverse((m) => {
if ( === 'glasses') {
m.geometry.dispose(); // Delete existing geometry
m.geometry = glasses.geometry.clone(); // change to new geometry
m.geometry.scale (0.000263, 0.000263, 0.000263); // scale, repositioning
m.geometry.translate(-0.03, -0.05, 0.02);
m.geometry.needsUpdate = true;
m.material = [glasses.material[0].clone(), glasses.material[1].clone()]
m.material.needsUpdate = true;
During normal operation
When I changed my glasses
It's a self-answer.
At first, I was going to change only Geometry, which holds the shape in Mesh, but I changed the direction because of the above error.
There is a skeleton in the model, and we added mesh as a child to the corresponding head bone to make it work.
this.char3.instance.traverse((bone) => {
if ( === 'mixamorigHeadTop_End') {
if (bone.children[0]) {
const glasses = this.resources.items.glasses1.scene;
glasses.scale.set(100, 100, 100);
glasses.rotation.x = Math.PI * 2;
glasses.position.set(0, -12.2, 5);
This works fine.
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