One website uses a variety of server languages

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 101 views

I'm a college student who makes a website for participation in the photo-polio and contest~

Our developers have one design, one front developer, and a full stack (the horse is a full stack, just a friend who can do a little bit of both.Haha;;) 1 person and 2 backend developers are doing this.

But everyone can speak different languages (php, node, js, jsp), so I'm asking if it's possible to build a website in three different languages. I think we can divide it into modules and develop it in each language, but can we build a website like this?

The topic is webmail-like sites!

server language

2022-09-21 20:51

2 Answers

It's possible, but I think it's a little complicated.

First of all, since three languages cannot be written on one port (80) at the same time, use different ports.

I think you should set all three different addresses on a web server such as NGINX or Apache (e.g., /ajsp, /bnode.js, /cphp)

For example,

If node.js is using port 3000

// Example: Apache
ProxyPass /node

Do a proxy pass like this.

And I would use Tomcat again if it was jsp, but I don't know Tomcat

For php, you can set mod_php, fastcgi, php-fpm to a different address.

Summarize the three lines and the key point is

This is.

It's not a clear answer, but I think it's a hint.

2022-09-21 20:51

Knowing php, node.js, and jsp, I don't think the cost for others to learn one will be high. But the cost of developing a website in different languages is going to be huge.

You'll have to understand the relative code anyway, and if you want to run the server as a test, you have to run all three, and it doesn't seem like a possible picture.

2022-09-21 20:51

If you have any answers or tips

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