str1 BYTE "Color output is easy!",0
main PROC
mov eax, yellow + (blue * 16)
call SetTextColor
mov edx, OFFSET str1
call WriteString
call Crlf
main ENDP
END main
Color output is easy!
It comes out like this, and even if you change yellow to red, the color does not work as red, but it comes out as yellow continuously.
assembly asm
I changed some colors and it works well.
If you can't change the color as you want, you should ask the author of the library who created SetTextColor.
He's a famous assembly book author.
Crlf Proto ; output carriage - return / linefeed
WriteString Proto ; write null - terminated string to output
SetTextColor Proto ; set console text color
Delay Proto
black = 0000b
blue = 0001b
green = 0010b
cyan = 0011b
red = 0100b
magenta = 0101b
brown = 0110b
lightGray = 0111b
gray = 1000b
lightBlue = 1001b
lightGreen = 1010b
lightCyan = 1011b
lightRed = 1100b
lightMagenta = 1101b
yellow = 1110b
white = 1111B
str1 Byte "Color output is easy!", 0
Invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
Mov hInst, Eax
Mov Eax, lightRed + (lightGreen * 16)
Call SetTextColor
Mov Edx, Offset str1
call WriteString
Call Crlf
Mov Eax, 5000 ; 5 seconds
Call Delay; for confirmation of results
Invoke ExitProcess, 0
End start
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