Pandas are asking how to filter

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 169 views

Hello, everyone Natural language processing (using khaiiii) was performed through Python to derive the following results.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from khaiii import KhaiiiApi
api = KhaiiiApi()

df = pd.read_csv('president.csv', encoding = 'utf-8')
df = pd.DataFrame(df)

df['Content'] = df['Content'].str.replace(",", "") 

split = df.Content.str.split (".")
split = split.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x))
split = split.stack().reset_index(level=1, drop=True).to_frame('sentences')
df = df.merge(split, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='left')
df = df.drop (['Content'], Axis = 1)
df['sentences'].replace('', np.nan, inplace= True)  
df['sentences'].replace(' ', np.nan, inplace= True)
df.dropna(subset=['sentences'], inplace=True)
df = df.reset_index(drop=True) 

nlp = df.sentences.apply(lambda x: [str(w).split('\t')[1] for w in api.analyze(x)])

What I want to do is to extract only the words tagged with nng, vv, and va in the nlp column at the back, but I am asking you a question because it is still difficult to use Python.

For example, by the first column of nlp,

[Young (C), dirty, small and medium-sized enterprises, president, Ha (C)]

I'd like to refine it in the form of.

Additionally, I would like to add 'Da' to the back of vv and va to make it a complete form, so I would appreciate it if you could tell me how.

pandas filtering nlp

2022-09-21 18:29

4 Answers

I'm doing both review and study, but I don't know what I'm going to do for the questioner.

This is a sample using Word2vec, which is used a lot for embedding.


model skip gram of.

import itertools as it
import pandas as pd

from khaiii import KhaiiiApi

df = pd.read_csv('')
df.drop (columns=['NO', 'President', 'Date'], inplace=True)

api = KhaiiiApi()

def parse(sentence):
    pos = ((morph.lex, morph.tag) for word in api.analyze(sentence) for morph in word.morphs if morph.tag in ['NNG', 'VV', 'VA'])    # only nng, vv, va
    words = [item[0] if item[1] == 'NNG' else f' {item[0]} for item in pos] #appendsuffix
    return words

df['nlp'] = df['content'].apply(parse)

from gensim.models.word2vec import Word2Vec

model = Word2Vec(df['nlp'].values, sg=1, window=5, min_count=1, workers=4, iter=100) 

print(model.wv.similarity('young', 'president')

print(model.wv.similarity('young', 'small business')

# Frequency number
from collections import Counter
df['cnt'] = df['nlp'].apply(lambda words:dict(Counter(words)))

2022-09-21 18:29

I didn't upload the president.csv file, and khaiiii is not currently installed on the equipment, so I'll try konlpy.

Also, if it's a csv file like above, it's better to extract only 'content' and handle one text.

import itertools as it
from konlpy.tag import Kkma

With open ('Moon Jae-in's inauguration speech.txt', encoding='euc-kr') as f:
    contents =[0]

kkma = Kkma()
morph = kkma.pos(content) # Morphological analysis
groups = {word: set(i[0] for i in tag) for word, tag in it.groupby(sorted(morph, key=lambda item:item[1]), lambda item:item[1])} # Classified by part company (deduplicated)

# {'First Step', 'Je', 'People', 'Head', 'Experience', 'Passion', 'Thank you', 'Today', 'Respect', 'Shoulder', 'World', 'Coexistence', 'Choice', 'Korea', 'Once', 'Love', 'Heart', 'Unification', 'Blueprint', 'Country', 'Calling'}
# {'Cha', 'Heading', 'Sook', 'Nedid', 'Give', 'Dree', 'Made', 'Yeol', 'Gal'}
print ([f'{word}da' for word in groups['VV'])
# ["Cold", "Heading", "Bow", "Take", "Give", "Make", "Open", "Grinding"]

2022-09-21 18:29

No index removal or column name changes were made.

import itertools as it
import pandas as pd

from konlpy.tag import Kkma

df = pd.read_csv('')
df.drop (columns=['NO', 'President', 'Date'], inplace=True)

kkma = Kkma()

def parse(sentence):   
    groups = {word: set(i[0] for i in tag) 
              for word, tag in it.groupby(sorted(kkma.pos(sentence), key=lambda item:item[1]), lambda item:item[1])} # Classified by part company (deduplicated)
    return[*groups.get('NNG', []), *[f'{word}da' for word in groups.get('V', [])], *[f'{word}da' for word in groups.get('VA', []]]]]]]]

df['nlp'] = df['content'].apply(parse)

["Newspaper", "Early", "Additional", "Previous Day", "Competitive", "Production", "Question", "Dollar", "Government", "Financial", "Export", "Small", "Small", "Small", "Small", "Small", "Loan", "Work", "Early", "Value", "Now", "Pee", "Corporate", "Operation", "Production", "Production", "Production", "Production", "Problem", "Production", "Site", "Promotion", "Production", "Production", "Small"', "Unemployed", "Century", "Fat", "Fund", "Increase", "Support", "Nam", "Credit", "Technology", "Efforts", Interest Rate", "Budget", "Unemployment", "Proper", "Time", "Proper", "Executive", "Executive", "Assurance", "Company Bond", "Depreciation", "Large", "Work", "Hal", "Hal", "Header", "Ready", "Head", "Ready", "Header", "Header", "Header", "Header", "Ready", " "Expensive", "Look", "Good", "Sad", "How is it", "Young", "Same", "Like"]

2022-09-21 18:29

I will upload it after checking the khaiiii installed equipment. (Two lines have been changed)

import itertools as it
import pandas as pd

from khaiii import KhaiiiApi

df = pd.read_csv('')
df.drop (columns=['NO', 'President', 'Date'], inplace=True)

api = KhaiiiApi()

def parse(sentence):
    pos = ((morph.lex, morph.tag) for word in api.analyze(sentence) for morph in word.morphs)
    groups = {word: set(i[0] for i in tag) 
              for word, tag in it.groupby(sorted(pos, key=lambda item:item[1]), lambda item:item[1])} # Classified by part company (deduplicated)
    return[*groups.get('NNG', []), *[f'{word}da' for word in groups.get('V', [])], *[f'{word}da' for word in groups.get('VA', []]]]]]]]

df['nlp'] = df['content'].apply(parse)

["Job", "Small Amount", "Future", "Fund", "Production", "Use", "Shipment", "Our Country", "Massage", "Recent", "Execution", "Important", "Corporate", "Loan", "Exportation", "Financial", "Plan", "Additional", "Country", "Site", "Creduction", "Technical", "Invent", "Earge", "Earge", "Code", "Propathy", "Propathy", "Code", "Code", "Earge", "Earge", "Code", "U "Efforts", "Work", "Problem", "Problem", "Budget", "Past", "Work", "Mal", "Provision", "Small and Medium Business", "Bankruptcy", "First Line", "Money", "Talk", "Time", "Extension", "Calculation", "Export", "Time", "Evening", "Present", "Guarantee", "increase", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go", "Go",

2022-09-21 18:29

If you have any answers or tips

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