It's a grade processing program. You want to add file input/output from code created with functions and pointers. In the 'Grades Processing Program.txt' file
1111 Gaga 10099897
2222 Nana 90898887
reach 3333 80 79 78 77
I wrote four grades, name, and score in three lines. And then
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SUB 4
char subname[SUB][6] = { "Korean", "English", "Mathematics", "C language"};
struct STUDENT {
char id[5];
char name[7];
int score[SUB + 1];
float avg;
char alpha;
int rank;
void input(struct STUDENT *stu, int PEOPLE) {
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen ("Sex Processing Program.txt", "w+");
//char buffer[50];
for (int i = 0; i < PEOPLE; i++) {
fscanf(fp, "%s %s %d %d %d %d", (stu + i)->id, (stu + i)->name, &(stu+i)->score[0], &(stu + i)->score[1], &(stu + i)->score[2], &(stu + i)->score[3]);
//fscanf(fp, "%s %s %d %d %d %d", stu[i].id, stu[i].name, &stu[i].score[0], &stu[i].score[1], &stu[i].score[2], &stu[i].score[3]);
/*for (int i = 0; i < PEOPLE; i++) {
fscanf(fp, "%s\n", (stu + i)->id);
fscanf(fp, "%s\n", (stu + i)->name);
for (int j = 0; j < SUB; j++) {
fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &(stu + i)->score[j]);
} // Input function
void calculation(struct STUDENT *stu, int PEOPLE) {
for (int i = 0; i < PEOPLE; i++) {
(stu + i)->score[SUB] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < SUB; j++) {
(stu + i)->score[SUB] += (stu + i)->score[j];
} //Total score
(stu + i)->avg = (float) (stu + i)->score[SUB] // mean
} // Calculation function
void line() {
for (int i = 0; i < 75; i++) {
void print(struct STUDENT *stu, int PEOPLE) {
printf ("Grade Name: Korean, English, Mathematics, C Language Total Score Average Ranking\n");
//fprintf(fp, "Grade Name, Korean, English, Mathematics, c Language Total Score Average Ranking\n");
for (int i = 0; i < PEOPLE; i++) {
printf("%6s %8s", (stu + i)->id, (stu + i)->name);
//fprintf(fp, "%6s %8s", (stu + i)->id, (stu + i)->name);
for (int j = 0; j < SUB; j++) {
printf("%7d", (stu + i)->score[j]);
//fprintf(fp, "%7d", (stu + i)->score[j]);
printf("%8d %7.2f %5c %4d\n", (stu + i)->score[SUB], (stu + i)->avg, (stu + i)->alpha, (stu + i)->rank);
//fprintf(fp, "%8d %7.2f %5c %4d\n", (stu + i)->score[SUB], (stu + i)->avg, (stu + i)->alpha, (stu + i)->rank);
} //output function
int main() {
int ban_total[SUB + 1] = { 0 };
double ban_avg[SUB + 1] = { 0 };
printf ("How many people do you want to enter?" ");
scanf("%d", &PEOPLE);
struct STUDENT *stu = (struct STUDENT *)malloc(sizeof(struct STUDENT)*PEOPLE);
input(stu,PEOPLE); //Enter
calculation (stu, PEOPLE); //calculation
for (int i = 0; i < SUB; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < PEOPLE; j++) {
ban_total[i] += (stu + j)->score[i];
} //Total score of subjects
ban_avg[i] = (float)ban_total[i] /PEOPLE; //subject mean
for (int i = 0; i < PEOPLE; i++) {
switch ((int)(stu + i)->avg / 10) {
case 10: case 9: (stu + i)->alpha = 'A'; break;
case 8: (stu + i)->alpha = 'B'; break;
case 7: (stu + i)->alpha = 'C'; break;
case 6: (stu + i)->alpha = 'D'; break;
default: (stu + i)->alpha = 'F'; break;
} //Grade
for (int i = 0; i < PEOPLE; i++) {
(stu + i)->rank = 1;
} //Initialize to seat 1
for (int i = 0; i < PEOPLE; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < PEOPLE; j++) {
if ((stu + i)->avg < (stu + j)->avg) {
(stu + i)->rank++;
else {
(stu + j)->rank++;
}//Calculation of seats
print(stu, PEOPLE);
printf(" ");
//fprintf(fp, " ");
for (int i = 0; i < SUB; i++) {
printf("%-7d", ban_total[i]);
//fprintf(fp, "%-7d", ban_total[i]);
}// Total score by subject
//fprintf(fp, "\n");
printf(" ");
//fprintf(fp, " ");
for (int i = 0; i < SUB; i++) {
printf("%-7.1lf", ban_avg[i]);
//fprintf(fp, "%-7.1lf", ban_avg[i]);
}// Average by subject
//fprintf(fp, "\n");
The following code was executed: By the way,
When you open the file, you did it in w+ mode, but w, w+ mode creates a new file and overwrites it even if the file exists. Therefore, the data was not read properly because it was read by fscanf from an empty file.
When reading the data of an existing file, open it in r mode, and if you need to modify it, open it in r+ mode.
Make sure the rest of the code is correct and change it to r mode.
For your information, (stu + i)->id and stu[i].id are equivalent, so both are correct codes.
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