Hello, I'm trying to make a post on Naver blog with Python and upload it automatically to another blog (teastory, next time).
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from PIL import Image
import re
def GetNaverBloginfo():
NAVERBLOGURL = 'https://blog.naver.com/qualisports/222647124138'
response = requests.get(NAVERBLOGURL)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
ifra = soup.find('iframe', id='mainFrame')
post_url = 'https://blog.naver.com' + ifra['src']
res = requests.get(post_url)
soup2 = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
titles = soup2.find_all('div', {'class': re.compile('^se-module se-module-text se-title-tex.*')})
Navertitle = titles[0].text
Navertitle = Navertitle.replace('\n', '')
special_char = '\/:*?"<>|.'
for c in special_char:
if c in Navertitle:
Navertitle = Navertitle.replace(c, '')
Navewrcontents = ''
txt_contents = soup2.find_all('div', {'class': "se-module se-module-text"})
for p_span in txt_contents:
for txt in p_span.find_all('span'):
Navewrcontents += txt.get_text() + '\n'
imgs = soup2.find_all('img', class_='se-image-resource')
cnt = 1
for img in imgs:
img_url = img.get('data-lazy-src')
imageObj = Image.open(requests.get(img_url, stream=True).raw)
img_format = imageObj.format
res_img = requests.get(img_url).content
if img_format:
img_name = str(cnt) + '.' + img_format
img_name = str(cnt) + '.jpg'
if len(res_img) > 100:
with open(img_name, 'wb') as f:
cnt += 1
print('Naver blog title: '+Navertitle+'\n'+'Navertitle: '+Naverwr contents)
That's all for the sauce I searched on Google and modified the source a little bit
In this way, I understand that you can find and get all the values of the different div classes The output result I want is if you go to the blog post address
I write a blog post like this, but if you run the source, you can bring the pictures separately without order, so the order of the pictures is not right So, I want to get the value in the order of the pictures and writings, but after thinking about it, I post a question What should I do? Thank you for the hint
Looking at the questions, it doesn't seem like a question that a developer hired by a company would ask, but it seems to be working independently.
By the way, how much do you know about copyright?
When I see that you are trying to copy and post the contents of Naver blog to T-story blog, I can't get rid of the feeling that it is a work that is carried out for a specific purpose.
Personally, I don't understand the reason for doing this kind of work, but I hope you don't touch anything weird and legally avoid it.
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