The environment is Ubuntu. I accessed Ubuntu with putty. It takes 8 hours to install node.js and npm.
I accessed the instance through putty in my local environment, but if I close the putty window, will the installation of npm stop?
If you attach & only, the session may break (close the putty window).
To run in the background on Linux
nohup execution command &
Please do it with me.
1019 /usr/bin/google-chrome:symbol lookup error:/usr/bin/google-chrome: undefined symbol:gbm_bo_get_modifier
758 Error in x, y, and format string must not be None
771 GDB gets version error when attempting to debug with the Presense SDK (IDE)
776 M2 Mac fails to install rbenv install 3.1.3 due to errors
642 ML-Agent tutorial says "Heuristic method called but not implemented.Returning placeholder actions." and fails to proceed
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