Hello, I am a student studying web programming.
These days, I am studying jstl and el in JSP.
I am using IntelliJ IDEA as IDE.
When I first created the web application project, I just copied ojdbc14.jar to the web-inf I didn't add as library. I remember having a hard time.
After that, I study jstl, adding jstl-1.2.jar and standard-1.1.2.jar as shown.
An example code was created successfully.
taglib prefix and uri are also specified, and if you run it with tomcat,
ClassNotFountException appears as shown above. I was curious, so if you put the same code and the same jar library in Eclipse and run it, it will work It's being printed. I'm not sure how to set it up in IntalliJ?!
Thank you.
jstl intellij-idea classnotfoundexception
Verify that the jar files are added to File -> Project Structure -> Project Settings -> Libraries. If you don't have it, press + button to go to the jar path of the project and add it~
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The jar file you just added in File -> Project Structure -> Project Settings -> Available Elements in Artifacts must be included in the output root.
I had a hard time with this all day yesterday. I don't know. After I posted a question... I don't know how to say it's a solution, but... I solved it.
If you have a problem with adding jar as Kim Sun-woo answered,
Check the Problems item in the Project Structure. Like a picture
There were three problems.When you add ojdbc14.jar only to the library, Although there was no problem. If you add jstl and standard jar to use JSTL,
The above question has occurred.
The symptoms were the same on my desktop and laptop.
I solved it by pressing FIX. :
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