Problem with (parent) ListView.OnItemClickListener stuck in (child)TextView.OnClickListener/[Android]

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 107 views

Source Location: OnItemClickListener_Confusion Source/[Android]

File configuration:

Main layout configuration:

Problem: In any of the three TextViews that make up the list item, : Uncomment one of the three lines annotated at the end of the Bible Adapter and test it. For visual effects, click left/center/right and 1/2/3 vertical for easy verification. If you un-commented (tv_bonmun) for easier viewing, click vertically in the column that has been un-commented by 1/2/3 from the center.

Question: How you can make (child) TextView.OnClickListener work and (parent)ListView.OnItemClickListener work at the same time. If you know the above method, please let me know and I will thank you and post it on my blog to promote it.

onitemclicklistener onclicklistener

2022-09-21 16:17

1 Answers

Thank you. Let's study the performance item click.

2022-09-21 16:17

If you have any answers or tips

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