Hello, I'm a beginner who has been coding for about two months.
I'm making a Kakao Talk chatbot!
One of the functions is to call the bus route and arrival time at a particular stop
You have to put url in the post method.
So I'm trying to make an api with aws lamdba, but I can't figure out how to fix it even if I keep trying to fix the code.
How do I write code to output those functions a1 and a2? Please!
import json
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as akk
def lambda_handler(event, context):
service_key = 'kxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
params= '&cityCode=33010&nodeId=CJB283000059&routeId=CJB270012000'
open_api = ' http://openapi.tago.go.kr/openapi/service/ArvlInfoInqireService/getSttnAcctoSpcifyRouteBusArvlPrearngeInfoList?ServiceKey='+service_key+params
res= requests.get(open_api)
soup = akk(res.content,'html.parser')
arrtimes = soup.find('arrtime')
pres = soup.find('arrprevstationcnt')
arrive = int(arrtimes.get_text())
pre = int(pres.get_text())
def a1():
if arrive > 420:
print ("You have more than 6 minutes to arrive")
elif arrive > 361 and arrive <= 420:
print (6 minutes left until arrival)
elif arrive >300 and arrive <= 360:
print("5 minutes to arrive")
elif arrive > 240 and arrive <= 300:
print("4 minutes to arrive")
elif arrive > 180 and arrive <= 240:
print("3 minutes left until arrival")
elif arrive > 120 and arrive <= 180:
print("2 minutes left until arrival
elif arrive > 60 and arrive <= 120:
print("1 minute left until arrival")
elif arrive <= 60:
print("You have less than one minute to arrive."")
else :
print ("Data does not yet exist")
def a2():
if pre > 0:
print(pre), the station is left.")
print ("Data does not yet exist")
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps(a1,a2)
When you run this, the error is as follows:
If you write your NAVER ID in the comments, I'll send you 5,000 points with gratitude ㅜ<
python server aws
import json
def main():
arrive = 420
pre = 3
def a1():
if arrive > 420:
answer1 = 6
elif arrive > 361 and arrive <= 420:
answer1 = 6
elif arrive >300 and arrive <= 360:
answer1 = 5
elif arrive > 240 and arrive <= 300:
answer1 = 4
elif arrive > 180 and arrive <= 240:
answer1 = 3
elif arrive > 120 and arrive <= 180:
answer1 = 2
elif arrive > 60 and arrive <= 120:
answer1 = 1
elif arrive <= 60:
answer1 = 1
else :
answer1 = 'not exist'
return answer1
def a2():
if pre > 0:
return pre
return 'not exist'
dic = {}
dic['remain'] = a1()
dic['pre'] = a2()
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps(dic)
{'statusCode': 200, 'body': '{"remain": 6, "pre": 3}'}
[Finished in 0.382s]
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