I'm making a bulletin board, but I want to check if the file is attached in the file upload, but it's not working well.ㅠ<
<div class="banner">
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="php/Write_Update.php?location=<?php echo $location ?>" method="POST">
<div class="post">
<div class="carteory">
<select name="Carteory">
<option value="Overall">Overall</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<div class="post-title">
<input type="text" name="title" placeholder="Please enter a title.">
<div class="post-content">
<textarea name="content" placeholder="Please enter content."></textarea>
<div class="post-tag">
<input type="text" name="tag" placeholder="#">
<div class="FileupBtn">
<input type="file" name="profile">
<div class="Btn-up">
<Button class="uploadBton">Create</Button>
if($member['User_Log']==1) {
// // print "if";
$Carteory = $_POST['Carteory'];
$Title = $_POST['title'];
$Content = $_POST['content'];
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$Tag = $_POST['tag'];
if(isset($_FILES['profile'])) {
print $_FILES['profile'];
// // $imagecheck = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp');
$imgpath = pathinfo($_FILES['profile']['name']);
$file_name = $_FILES['profile']['name']; // the filename you uploaded
$file_tmp_name = $_FILES['profile']['tmp_name']; // Filename stored in temporary directory
$file_size = $_FILES['profile']['size']; // Size of uploaded file
$mimeType = $_FILES['profile']['type']; // MIME Type of uploaded file
// Specify the server directory where attachments will be stored
$save_dir = '../uploadFile/';
// Scan for upload file extensions
// // if(in_array($mimeType, $imagecheck)) {
// echo("<script> alert('Unable to upload file format.'); </script>");
// // echo("<script>location.href='../Write.html';</script>");
// // exit;
// }
// Change file name
$real_name = $file_name; // Original filename (actual filename before uploading)
$arr = expand(".", $real_name); // Get the extension of the original file and apply it as it is $file_exe
$file_exe = $mimeType;
$arr1 = $arr[0];
$arr2 = $arr[1];
$arr3 = $arr[2];
$arr4 = $arr[3];
if($arr4) {
$file_exe = $arr4;
} } else if($arr3 && !$arr4) {
$file_exe = $arr3;
} } else if($arr2 && !$arr3) {
$file_exe = $arr2;
$file_time = time();
$file_Name = "file_".$file_time.".".$file_exe; // Create a file name to be actually uploaded
$change_file_name = $file_Name; // Specify the changed filename in the variable
$real_name = addslashes($real_name); // Original filename to be uploaded (real filename before uploading)
$real_size = $file_size; // the size of the file being uploaded
//The full path to the directory and filename where you want to store the file
$dest_url = $save_dir . $change_file_name;
//Upload file to specified directory
if(!move_uploaded_file($file_tmp_name, $dest_url)) {
die ("Failed to upload file to specified directory")
// // else {
// // die("else");
// }
$sql2 = "insert into " . $db_location . "(id, carteory, title, content, date, tag, change_file_name, real_name, real_size) values
('$id', '$Carteory', '$Title', '$Content', '$date', '$Tag', '$change_file_name', '$real_name', '$real_size')";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql2);
If($result) { //query is successful,
echo("<script> alert('The writing was successfully registered.'); location.href='../$web_location';</script>");
else {
echo("<script> alert(') failed to register.'); location.href='../Write.html?location=$db_location';</script>");
Part of the source code.
in write_update.php If(isset($_FILES['profile']))
I want to check whether the file is attached or not, but it comes out as true no matter what.
What should I do?
html php mysql
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="Write_Update.php" method="POST">
<input type="file" name="profile">
<Button class="uploadBton">Create</Button>
echo "ISSET ";
if(isset($_FILES['profile']) && $_FILES['profile']['name'] != "")
echo $_FILES['profile']['name'];
echo "upload";
echo "cannot upload";
When transferring files without uploading them: ISSET cannot upload
When uploading and transferring a file: ISSET [file name] upload
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