If I make a program with Python and run it, and then I make a code, Is there a way to apply it even if I don't turn it off and on when I don't have to turn it off and on
Let's not do that.
Seriously, the automatic action you want is called Watch in English. The process is constantly on, so you're watching to see if a particular system event occurs, and when the event occurs, you're compiling/build/executing the specified source. But looking it up, Python script watching seems a bit of a setup.
To be honest, I think it's because you're tired of saving and running 100 times a day, but when you're a beginner, you're supposed to spend 100 times a day pressing F5, compiling, and pulling out the build. In any field, it's good for you not to get tired of those steps in your early years, and Python study is not an exception.
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