It is difficult to load the data table from Python flask to jquery because there are more than 30,000 data Find and apply server-side processing
Currently, in my code, the paging and search functions do not work properly after spraying only 10 data as fixed. Where should I fix it?
<table id="data_table" class="data_table table table-hover">
<tbody id="data_table_tbody">
$('#data_table').DataTable( {
"bprocessing" : true,
"bServerSide" : true,
"sAjaxSource" :"/admin_en/datatable",
"sServerMethod": "POST",
"columns" : [
{ { "data": "Tag" },
{ { "data": "EN" },
{ { "data": "CN" },
{ { "data": "KO" },
{ { "data": "Edit" },
"dom" : 'lfBrtip',
} );
});//end function
@app.route("/admin_en/datatable", methods=['POST'])
def admin_en_datatable():
en_filter_table = db.session.query(En_filter)
datatable_data_dict = dict()
datatable_data_list = list()
for data in en_filter_table:
filter_dict = dict()
id =
filter_dict['id'] = id
filter_dict['Tag'] = data.tag
filter_dict['EN'] = data.en_filter
filter_dict['CN'] = data.cn_filter
filter_dict['KO'] = data.ko_filter
filter_dict['Edit'] = "<button>btn</button>"
datatable_data_dict['draw'] = 1
datatable_data_dict['recordsTotal'] = int(en_filter_table.count())
datatable_data_dict['recordsFiltered'] = int(en_filter_table.count())
datatable_data_dict['data'] = datatable_data_list[:10]
return jsonify(datatable_data_dict)
Dataables server-side rendering means that the specified /admin_en/dataable
route returns JSON in the following format:
"draw": "1",
"recordsTotal": 1861,
"recordsFiltered": 32,
"data": [
"column1": "data1",
can be returned to the requested value, and the problem is recordTotal
and recordsFiltered
. So, in my case, I'm dealing with it like this.
It seems that the source you gave us is to query En_filter
once and get all the results, and then cut it with restrictions. Then, of course, it's slow and it won't work the way you want it to. Take a good look at the official document, and actually study the configuration of the parameters that dataable.js sends requests to that route.
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