How do I do OR operations with | characters in Python regular expressions?

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 72 views

import re
kor_txt = " "나다" ㄴㅐ| | fdㅑ ㅒ# fd|jkaFSA 498130$#@!*&^ %)(-_=+ []{}<>,./?'"`"')"""
# # kor_txt = kor_txt.replace("|","")
print(re.sub('[^--h|a-zA-Z|0-9|`!@#$%^&*()\[\]{}\-\_\'\"><\/\?]', '', kor_txt))

GANADA Gㄴㄷㅐ| | Cㅗᅴdfㅑfd|jkaFSA 498130$#@!*&^ %)(-_ []{}<>/?\'"`"\')'
The desired result:
It's ganada gan na ka ka ka FSA 498130$#@!*&^ %)(-_ []{}<>/?\'"`"\')'

The regular expression was created as above. I want to remove all characters from the sentence except Korean, English, numbers, and special characters that I enter with my keyboard If you use a regular expression or operation, it contains the "|" character. The "|" text keeps getting an error, so I want to exclude it If you do not subtract the |operator, the |character is still alive in the result, such as Results. The desired result is a sentence with | removed, as in the annotated part.

I heard that you have to write -||-ode|ga-he to include all Korean letters, so how do I solve this case?

python regex text

2022-09-21 10:24

1 Answers


We gathered the [^blah] block and one \| character into the (?:this side|that side) block, and we processed it so that it matches everything if only one side matches. Test

2022-09-21 10:24

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