for year in range(1943,1945):
for month in range(1, 13):
# Calculate the last day of each month
if month in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:
last_day = 31
elif month == 2:
last_day = 29
last_day = 30
# Calculate the average value by filtering by changing the date value by month
for day in range(1, last_day+1):
filtered_df = df[(df['Month'] == month) & (df['Day'] == day)]
filter_df = df[(yeosu_data['Year'] == year) & (df['Month'] == month) & (df['Day'] == day)]
final_temperature = filter_df['Temperature'].tolist()
avg_temperature = filtered_df['Temperature'].mean()
# Save Results to List
result_list.append({'월': month, '일': day, '기온(K) 평균': final_temperature})
If you want the temperature average to be an integer, but final_temperature=filter_df['Temperature'].tolist()[0]
will result in the following error.
list index out of range
How can I resolve the error?
On February 29, 1943, filter_df has zero row.
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