Firebase App Distribution is skipped in the build in codec.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 375 views

I want to automatically build the flutter app with codemagic and distribute it to the tester using Firebase App Distribution, but I'm worried because it doesn't go well.
Firebase App Distribution is set correctly from the Distribution field in the codec setting.
This is the command line in the Publishing column.

== Gathering artifacts ==

== == Publishing artifacts ==

Publishing artifact app-release.aab
Publishing artifact mapping.txt
Publishing artifact
Skip publishing Ios to Firebase App Distribution: no matching artefacts found.
Skip publishing to Firebase App Distribution: no matching artefacts found.
Skip publishing Android to Firebase App Distribution: no matching artefacts found.
Skip publishing to Firebase App Distribution: no matching artefacts found.

Both Android and ios are completed without errors.
If you know how to solve this problem, please let me know.


2023-03-29 19:32

1 Answers

In the Distribution field, I think the Android code signings and iOS code signings should also be enabled.

2023-03-29 21:03

If you have any answers or tips

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