Can the virtual machine IP address be specified with the virtual-install command?

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 357 views

I am using the virtual-install command on Ubuntu to enter a Windows virtual machine. Is there any way to specify the IP address of the virtual machine in this command option?


2023-03-08 07:53

1 Answers

Instead of the virt-install command, it should be specified with another libvirt, virsh

The libvirt software collection appears to have a network description in libvirt:NAT forwarding (aka "virtual networks")
The Japanese language materials are

Below is the procedure (from
See the original page for details

○Verify guest XML configuration file (use virtual machine name instead of guest1)

#virsh domiflist guest1

○Check DHCP Range

#virsh net-dumpxml default | egrep'range | host\mac'

○ Set static IP address

#virsh net-update default add ip-dhcp-host'<host mac="52:54:00:48:27:1D" ip=""/>' --live -- config

2023-03-08 13:40

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