I don't know if Cloudinary or database settings are wrong.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 302 views

I asked the following questions and was able to set them up.
When I tried to post an image in the production environment, an error occurred.

The Cloudinary configuration I was referring to should have been done, but an error occurred.
I also created the render database and set the environment variables in render, but it didn't work.
Which one should I keep an eye on at times like this?
I am also attaching a git with the error log when posting.

The DATABASE_URL has been substituted for the internal database URL of the database created in render, is that correct?
Enter a description of the image here

Below is the code for the database settings.
***** is related to the database that I set up. Do I have to make the name: part of fromDatabase: the name: part of databases: the same as the name: part of databases:?

  - name —************
    region —singapore

  - type —web
    name —************
    region —singapore
    buildCommand: "./bin/render-build.sh"
    startCommand: "bundle exec puma-C config /puma.rb"
      - key:<%=ENV['DATABASE_URL']%>
          name —Render_app
      - key:<%=ENV['RAILS_MASTER_KEY']%>

About Cloudinary Deployment

ruby-on-rails ruby postgresql database

2023-02-27 21:44

1 Answers

I think it's render.yaml, but this file is not interpreted by Rails and cannot embed ERB (<%=%>) and it doesn't work.

It looks like I'm rewriting it from the documentation…

***** is related to the database that I set up. Do I have to make the name: part of fromDatabase: the name: part of databases: the same as the name: part of databases:?

That's right!

The DATABASE_URL has been substituted for the internal database URL of the database created in render, is that correct?

It's wrong.
I think it will be as follows.The setting means

  • To the environment variable DATABASE_URL
  • Database service with specified name
  • Set the value of the connectionString property (Properties List)

That's it.

      - key —DATABASE_URL
          name —Name of the databases configured in name:

Also, RAILS_MASTER_KEY does not need <%=%>


I think it's probably a mess because I don't understand exactly why the YAML in the previous cloudinary setting didn't work or why the change caused it to move.

2023-02-27 22:15

If you have any answers or tips

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