How AmazonAdsAPI Handles Content for Media Type appapplication/vnd.spCampaign.v3+json 」

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 466 views

How can I pass the content of the media type "application/vnd.spCampaign.v3+json" from AmazonAdsAPI in C#?

I am currently trying to run ADSAPI sp/campaigns/list in post in HttpClient in C#.
You need to pass the content by media type "application/vnd.spCampaign.v3+json".
However, I do not know how to create content in this format.

Could you tell me how to pass content to this media type?

Make your first call to the Amazon Ads API

c# http

2023-02-20 03:08

1 Answers

I have solved myself.
Create a StringContent in json format as you did with media type
application/json. Resolved by changing media type to application/vnd.spCampaign.v3+json

public static async Task<StringContent>GetContentFormJson(object data,Encoding encode=null,Encoding contentEncoding=null)
        var json=data converted to json
            var content = new StringContent(json, contentEncoding??) Encoding.UTF8, @"application/json";
            content.Headers.ContentType=new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/vnd.spCampaign.v3+json");
            return content;
    catch (Exception ex)
        error log handling
    return null;

2023-02-20 05:33

If you have any answers or tips

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