I would like to ask you how the following xarray can be transformed into a 'time' series.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 356 views

Dimensions have lat, lon, time, and data varials have atmospheric re-analysis data (ex. sw, lw, uflx, vflx, etc.) I want to merge many atmospheric re-analysis data into 'time' series by year.


2023-02-18 00:35

1 Answers

The xarray provides convenient time series data manipulation. Because 'time' dimension is already part of an xarray object, you can convert the label of that dimension to 'time' series by simply converting it to a datetime object.

For example, to convert an xarray object consisting of lat, lon, time and data variable (sw, lw, uflx, vflx) to a 'time' series, you can follow these steps:

Convert the label of 'time' dimension to a datetime object.ds['time'] = pd.to_datetime(ds['time'], format='%Y%m%d%H') Specifies 'time' dimension as index.ds = ds.set_index(time='time') Convert all data variables in the xarray object to 'time' series.ds = ds.to_array().squeeze().T Running the code above converts all data variables (sw, lw, uflx, vflx) of the xarray object to 'time' series. The xarray objects can then be handled appropriately to perform the desired analysis.

2023-02-20 08:04

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