Python while list 1 and list 2 are incomprehensible.

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 293 views

 class solution:
defaultTwoLists(self, list1: Optional [ListNode], list2: Optional [ListNode] - > Optional [ListNode]:
    while list1 and list2:               
        if list1.val<list2.val:
            list1,, list1
            list2,, list2
    if list1 or list2: if list1 else list2

Merge consolidated lists sorted by leetcode.
A consolidated list with list1 and list2.
Sorry for the rudimentary question, but what does while list1 and list2: mean?
Do you mean list1 and list2 are Boolean values?


2023-02-12 19:59

1 Answers

From embedded

truth determination
Any object can be determined as a true value and can be used as a condition for if or while or as an operator for the following Boolean operations:
The object is determined to be true by default.However, if the class defines the __bool__() method and it returns False, or if it defines the _len__() method and it returns 0, it is considered false.Here are some of the key embedded objects that are considered false:

  • constants defined as false: None and False
  • Zero in numeric form: 0, 0.0, 0j, Decimal(0), Fraction(0,1)
  • empty sequence or collection:', (), [ ], {}, set(), range(0)

boole operation---and, or, not
The Boolean operations are listed in descending order of priority:

as described above Some objects determine False

In the case of questions, according to the definition of ListNode(), if the linked list does not continue, it is considered false

2023-02-12 22:19

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