Using RDBs and Key-value DBs

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 313 views

How do I use RDB and key-value DB differently?
Personally, I understand the difference between whether or not you can create an index later, but is this correct?

database database-design

2023-01-21 14:28

1 Answers

First, use a complete transaction mechanism if there is no reasonable mechanism.
 The result is a well-worn RDB.

If the RDB alone does not meet the required performance for the system you are trying to create, use some different mechanisms.
At that time, if it's real-time, KeyValueStore, etc., and if it's non-real-time, it's column-oriented DB, and so on, NoSQL will be the candidate.

2023-01-21 23:59

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