NameError When Loading SAML Authentication Plug-in in Redmine 5.0.2

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 453 views

We are deploying saml authentication plug-in in Redmine (5.0.2) for Docker.

The bundle install, bundle execrake has been completed and the deployment itself appears to be successful, but placing the configuration file in /usr/src/redmine/config/initializers results in the following error:

rake aborted!
NameError: uninitialized constant RedmineOmniauthSaml

The configuration file contains the following:

RedmineOmniauthSaml::Base.configure do | config |

I wonder if you are reading the class well, but I wonder if the description method has changed since the Redmine 5 series was introduced.

The environment is Redmine 5.0.2, Ruby 3.1.2-p20, Rails 6.1.6.
Also, I tried Redmine's 4 series using the same plug-in and configuration file, but Redmine itself started without any problems.

I don't really understand ruby, rails, etc., so I would appreciate it if you could give me a hint.

ruby redmine

2023-01-16 18:19

1 Answers

The repository you are referring to also appears to have been forked from the archived repository, but there seems to be another forked repository that has been modified for Redmine 5.x, so why not try it instead?

Update class name/scope for RM v5

+      user_attributes=RedmineOmniAuthSaml.user_attributes_from_samlomniauth

2023-01-16 19:33

If you have any answers or tips

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