Do I need to rebuild the python environment with Ubuntu in Windows 10?

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 415 views

I used to run python on Windows 10, but in order to use deepspeed, I put Ubuntu in the Ubuntu environment.

Of course, the python command doesn't work. Do we need to build it from scratch again?
Can I copy and use my current environment as it is?

python ubuntu windows-10

2023-01-15 08:59

1 Answers

Of course, Windows executables don't work with Ubuntu.Install Python on Ubuntu that you can run on Ubuntu.I suspect that Ubuntu has Python 3 from the beginning, but if not, let's install it.If you don't know how to do it, search by keyword ubuntupython install apt.

2023-01-15 10:57

If you have any answers or tips

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