FreeRTOS is not available in SPRESENSE

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 366 views

Currently, I am thinking of using the FreeRTOS library to make it multi-threaded with SPRESENSE's Arduino compatible.

However, when I did the verification, the following error occurred and I cannot use it.
I get the same error when I try to run the sample program.

 main:3:10:fatal error:avr/io.h:No such file or directory
3 | # include <avr/io.h>
|          ^~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
exit status1

Can I use the FreeRTOS library with SPRESENSE?
If anyone knows the cause of this error, could you tell me the solution?

Thank you for your cooperation.

c++ sense arduino

2023-01-11 21:43

1 Answers

In the first place, Arduino of SPRESENSE runs on an RTOS called NuttX.
So if you want to make it multi-threaded, it would be easier to use NuttX.

2023-01-11 23:46

If you have any answers or tips

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