TypeError of JSON error in python: the JSON object must be str, bytes or byte array

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 387 views

I am thinking of reading and translating PDF and writing it out in Outlook draft.
(Use the https://www.cpi-japan.com/services/ PDF file of IELTS Reading Samples at the top of this site)
An error occurred in the following parts.

An exception has occurred: TypeError
the JSON object must be str, bytes or byte array, not NoneType
  File "C:\Users\NAME\Documents\Practice\2023_01_rensyu\test7.py", line 27, in<module>
    result=tr.translate(txt_list, src="en", dest="ja").text

I would appreciate your help.I created it by referring to the following site.
1. Load text data in PDF file https://python-work.com/pdf-get-text/
2.Translated by googletrans (https://plog.shinmaiblog.com/python-translator/)
3. Outlook Draft https://gist.github.com/akilab/529c6954ddbc6024a0e8e2a381126e83)

version:Python 3.9.15

# Library Settings
import fitz#pymupdf library
import openpyxl aspx 
from openpyxl.style import Alignment
from googletransport Translator
import json
# Creating a list containing PDF text
txt_list = [ ]
# load a PDF file
filename = 'IELTS.pdf'

for page in range (len(doc)) :
    text=text.replace('\n', '')

# translate
tr = Translator()
result=tr.translate(txt_list, src="en", dest="ja").text
# ↑ Error Location: print(result)

#Create a draft in Outlook
def show_version():
    print("Draft Creator VERSION{}.format(_VERSION_).center(20))"

    outlook = win32 com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")

    # draft_box=mapi.GetDefaultFolder(16)#16 appears to be the draft folder number

    draft_box=mapi.Folders("My email address.co.jp").Folders("Draft")
    mail.To='[email protected]'
    mail.Subject = 'Title'
    mail.HtmlBody=result#←I want to put the variable of the translation result here


what someone did
I heard that it is an object error that cannot be used in JSON, so I thought it might be converted to a string type object.
I inserted the following before the error occurred, but an exception occurred.


The JSON object must be str, bytes or byte array, not list
File "C:\Users\NAME\Documents\For Practice\2023_01_rensyu\test7.py", line 24, in

I revised it based on the comments you gave me.

# Library Settings
import fitz#pymupdf library
import openpyxl aspx 
from openpyxl.style import Alignment
from googletransport Translator
import json
import re
# Creating a list containing PDF text
txt_list = [ ]
# load a PDF file
filename = 'IELTS.pdf'

for page in range (len(doc)) :
    text=text.replace('\n', '')
    txt_list.append(text)**#List of changes/string only**

# print(txt_list)

# JSON conversion

# translate
tr = Translator()
result=tr.translate(txt_list, src="en", dest="ja")#** Where the error occurred**
for results in result:
    print(results.origin, '->', results.text)

#Create a draft in Outlook
def show_version():
    print("Draft Creator VERSION{}.format(_VERSION_).center(20))"

    outlook = win32 com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")

    # draft_box=mapi.GetDefaultFolder(16)#16 appears to be the draft folder number

    draft_box=mapi.Folders("My Email Address co.jp").Folders("Draft")
    mail.To='[email protected]'
    mail.Subject = 'Title'


Error message where the error occurred in the code above
An exception has occurred: TypeError
the JSON object must be str, bytes or byte array, not NoneType
File "C:\Users\NAME\Documents\For Practice\2023_01_rensyu\test7.py", line 33, in
result=tr.translate(txt_list, src="en", dest="ja")

python python3 pdf

2023-01-11 09:16

1 Answers

In terms of content, I tried to change the content of the following article that I was referring to myself, but it didn't work.
[Python] Try using gooletrans for automatic translation.
This article specifies the text to be translated from googletrans as a single string instead of a list.

On the other hand, the source code of the question is probably intended to speed up, but it gives you a list of strings (originally a list of numbers and strings).
Initially: List of Numbers and Strings


changing:list of strings

txt_list.append(text)#**Only list of changes/string**

Also, in the latest stable version (3.0.0) document, the list of strings could also be specified as parameters as follows:
translate(text, dest='en', src='auto',**kwargs)

  • text(UTF-8str; unicode; string sequence(list, tuple, iaterator, generator)) – The source text(s) to be translated.Batch translation is supported via sequence input.

Source of questions (modifying)

result=tr.translate(txt_list, src="en", dest="ja")#** Where the error occurred**

The latest stable version (3.0.0) has a bug (specification change?) and needs to be used in the pre-release version (4.0.0-rc1) as described in the opening article and the following article.
Pre-RELEASE can avoid errors in googletrans

Also, it seems that the pre-release version (4.0.0-rc1) does not support a list of strings, and the text to be translated must be specified as a single string.
As mentioned in the opening article and the questioner's own comments, the following should be done:print(result) should be used to create data to pass to Outlook.

    for pagetext intxt_list:
        # One page is a single string and translates it into Japanese.
        result=tr.translate(pagetext, src="en", dest="ja").text
except Exception as:

By the way, the part where the comment says, "This time, the last line sys.exit(main()) has an exception: NameError name 'sys' is not defined" is because the corresponding import sys has not been done.

2023-01-11 09:38

If you have any answers or tips

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