There are pictures on the live server, but if you make a site with Netflix, there are no pictures.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 371 views

In html, do <img sec="alt="picture" class="pic" js to pic:'/img/image.Jpg' and bring it. It doesn't come out even if I do it... It doesn't come out even if I do it. Why doesn't it come out well on the live server if it's made into a site? Is there a solution??

image netlify

2023-01-06 07:49

1 Answers

I've never used netlify, but with a high probability, .//code> is not .// from the moment it goes up to netlify. If the path starts with ., it is a relative path, but it is not very good to think that it can give the relative path with the src attribute such as img and script. Because you're going to have the same problem as you are now.

Browse to the folder with index.html or index.php. Create a folder there called images. Put the picture in the folder. And fix the picture tag.

<img src="/sajin.jpg" /> <!-- Note that it gave a path (absolute path) starting with a slash -->

Please see if the image comes out on netify. "live server" is a later issue.

2023-01-06 09:20

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