Method of substituting an anonymous function that takes a return value for a C++ function pointer variable

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 392 views

Question details

Regarding the presentation code, I would like to substitute an anonymous function for the pointer variable related to the code below, but every implementation will fail.
How do I define an anonymous function when I take a return value?

What do you want to know

I want to know how to substitute an anonymous function to return to the function pointer variable

Tried and wanted to know

I tried many things like the //Implementation part of the presentation code, but all of them failed and I don't know which one is the closest correct answer.

Reference Site

Blog site A:
Blog site B:

Source Code


int call() 

// int(*f)() = [ ]( ) - > int {std::cout<<"sssss"<<std::endl;return0;}(); // Implementation 1
// int(*f)() = [ ]( ) - > int {std::cout<<"sssss"<<std::endl;return0;}(int); // Implementation 2
// int(*f)() = [ ]( ) - > int {std::cout<<"sssss"<<std::endl;}(0); // Implementation 3
int(*f)() = [ ]( ) - > int {std::cout<<"sssss"<<std::endl;} (return 0); // Implementation 4

// int(*f)() = call;

int main()
    // std::cout<<call(fn)<<std::endl;
    return 0;


g++-c-MMD-MP src/Main.cpp-obj/Main.o-I./../src-I~/Library-I~/Library/freetype 
src/Main.cpp:21:68:error:invalid conversion from 'int' to 'int(*)()'[-fpermissive]
   21 | int(*f)() = [ ]( ) - > int {std::cout<<"sssss"<<std::endl;return0;}();
      |             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~
      |                                                                    |
      |                                                                    int
make:*** [Makefile:15:obj/Main.o] Error 1
g++-c-MMD-MP src/Main.cpp-obj/Main.o-I./../src-I~/Library-I~/Library/freetype 
src/Main.cpp:22:69:error:expected primary-expression before 'int'
   22 | int(*f)() = [ ]( ) - > int {std::cout<<"sssss"<<std::endl;return0;}(int); // Implementation 2
      |                                                                     ^~~
make:*** [Makefile:15:obj/Main.o] Error 1

Implementation 3 Error

g++-c-MMD-MP src/Main.cpp-obj/Main.o-I./../src-I~/Library-I~/Library/freetype 
src/Main.cpp:Inlambda function:
src/Main.cpp: 23:57: warning: no return statement in function returning non-void [-Wreturn-type]
   23 | int(*f)() = [ ]( ) - > int {std::cout<<"sssss"<<std::endl;}(0); // Implementation 3
      |                                                         ^
src/Main.cpp:At global scope:
src/Main.cpp:23:60:error:no match for call to '(<lambda()>)(int)'
   23 | int(*f)() = [ ]( ) - > int {std::cout<<"sssss"<<std::endl;}(0); // Implementation 3
      |                                                            ^
src/Main.cpp:23:60:note:candidate expectations 1 argument, 2 provisioned
   23 | int(*f)() = [ ]( ) - > int {std::cout<<"sssss"<<std::endl;}(0); // Implementation 3
      |             ^
src/Main.cpp:23:13:note:candidate expectations 0 arguments, 1 provisioned
make:*** [Makefile:15:obj/Main.o] Error 1

Implementation 4 Error

g++-c-MMD-MP src/Main.cpp-obj/Main.o-I./../src-I~/Library-I~/Library/freetype 
src/Main.cpp:Inlambda function:
src/Main.cpp: 24:57: warning: no return statement in function returning non-void [-Wreturn-type]
   24 | int(*f)() = [ ]( ) - > int {std::cout<<"sssss"<<std::endl;} (return 0); // Implementation 4
      |                                                         ^
src/Main.cpp:At global scope:
src/Main.cpp:24:59:error:expected primary-expression before 'return'
   24 | int(*f)() = [ ]( ) - > int {std::cout<<"sssss"<<std::endl;} (return 0); // Implementation 4
      |                                                           ^~~~~~
make:*** [Makefile:15:obj/Main.o] Error 1


2023-01-02 08:44

1 Answers

The syntax of the lambda expression is as follows if you omit attributes and other specifications.

Capture List - >Return Value Type {Function Body}

After that, place the argument to invoke the lambda expression.

If you are substituting a function pointer, you do not need .

2023-01-02 08:56

If you have any answers or tips

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