About creating the Spresense ultrasonic real-time FFT analyzer

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 400 views

Attempted to run the FFT analyzer in the example Spresense sketch.

Microphone acquisition of sound from ultrasonic waves (20 kHz to 50 kHz) A digital filter attenuates the low frequency band (less than 20 kHz) and amplifies the ultrasonic region (less than 20 kHz)
Is it possible to draw the results on the LCD in real time in terms of the specification of Spresense?

I would appreciate it if you could let me know

Product Configuration
·Main & Expansion Foundation
·LCD display
·MeMS microphone (analog) for ultrasonic waves
 - I'd like to try a digital microphone later.


2022-12-31 02:53

1 Answers

There seems to be a sample FFT analyzer for the following Github up to 192 kHz.


Since the setting of the high pass filter is 20 kHz, isn't it possible to do what you want?
For your information.

2022-12-31 03:39

If you have any answers or tips

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