I'd like to make a timer for school special activities.
I made the time count and the buttons I don't know how to stop time when the button is pressed.
I'm applying what I've learned, so I'd like to add a function to stop after I've already used it as much as I can. Is it possible?
Don't tell me I have to rip it all off and fix it, right?ㅜ<
I think we can add a countdown function to the click button function, but I don't know what to do.
window = tkinter. Tk()
window.title ("Stopwatch")
def clickButton():
label1["text"] = "Timer stopped"
cnt = 0
def countUp():
global cnt
cnt = cnt + 1
label2["text"] = cnt
window.geometry ("500×400")
label1 = tkinter.Label (window, text="타이머 작동중", font=(systen" , 25))
label1.place(x=150, y=160)
button1 = tkinter.Button (window, text="STOP!", font=("System", 50), command=clickButton)
button1.place(x=150, y=250)
label2 = tkinter.Label(text="00", font=("Times New Roman" , 80))
window.after (1000, countUp)
I think it would be good to control the after function, which is simply supposed to go back unconditionally, with a global variable (start in the code below). Only let the timer go when the starter is true! After applying it, I put the else part so that it works when I click it again. I hope it helps you Please press it!
starter = True
def clickButton():
global cnt
global starter
if starter:
starter = False
label1["text"] = "Timer stopped"
button1["text"] = "RESUME!"
starter = True
label1["text"] = "Timer is working"
button1["text"] = "STOP!"
cnt = 0
def countUp():
global cnt
global starter
if starter:
cnt = cnt + 1
label2["text"] = cnt
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