We are currently thinking of making a sensor for recording with the Arduino version of SPRESENSE.
Based on the tutorial in Sony developer world, we were able to implement it so that recorded data could be stored in SD and uploaded to the server, but this would be a post-recording upload.
Is it possible to record and upload data?
I would appreciate it if you could let me know if there are any experts.
Reference Page: (Spresense Arduino Tutorial)
sense http arduino audio
This is the question that you want to record and upload at the same time, right?Let's say that's the answer based on that...
Whether you can record and upload at the same time depends on the speed at which the recording media is written and uploaded.The calculation will tell you how fast it should be processed.For example, the sampling rate is 48000 Hz and the amount of data is 1024 samples.The time it takes to retrieve this data is 1024/48000, which is 21.333 milliseconds.
In other words, if you cannot record and send data in 21.3333 milliseconds, FIFO will accumulate data that cannot be processed, and at some point FIFO overflows and stops processing.
So if you measure the media write time and upload time of the amount of data you want to process, you'll see if it's possible.
Also, I've never done it before, so I'm just talking about the possibility...
SPRESENSE can use sub-core, so if you pass a copy of the data to be sent to the sub-core, the main core may be able to write to the media, and the sub-core may be able to transmit data in parallel.If possible, we can shorten the processing time.
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