I want to get a recurring scheduled end date

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 305 views

List the recurring events that are registered that do not have an end date and
I would like to implement sending a warning DM by rack to the event creator.

I searched for references and articles on the Internet many times, but
There are methods to set the end date, but no methods to retrieve
I couldn't find a way to get it either.

So I thought there was no way to get the end date directly at this time, but
If you know how to get it, please let me know.

Thank you for your cooperation.


2022-12-08 15:40

1 Answers

Events:list may relate to the following parameters:


Displays the schedule for the specified calendar.

Fetch Recurring events with Google calendar apiv3 in php-Stack Overflow

2022-12-08 22:07

If you have any answers or tips

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