I want to stop the error output to Serial in Spresense.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 422 views

I use Spresense, LTE expansion board arduinoIDE, #include<LTE.h>.
Even if you do not do Serial.begin, Serial prints an error from the expansion board.
Is there a way to prevent errors from coming out of Serial?


2022-12-07 17:17

1 Answers


Of the serial ports Serial and Serial2 available in Spresense, Serial is debug serial, so it seems to be used not only to explicitly output Serial.print() but to display error messages in each library.

If you want to erase all debug output, you can only erase it by commenting out all printf in Arduino 15/packages/SPRESENSE/hardware/spresense/x.x.x/.
Of course, in that case, all the necessary error messages will disappear, so you won't know what's going on if you have a problem.

2022-12-07 23:16

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