VisualStudioCode IDE Does Not Complete Bootloader Writing

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 280 views

We are building a development environment with Visual Studio Code IDE and writing boot loaders to the wall.

Each version has installed and downloaded the following:
VS Code: 1.73.1
Spresense VSCode IDE: 1.3.200
Spresense SDK: 2.6.0

In this environment, press F1 on VS Code, select Spresense: Write boot loader, and
After specifying the downloaded,
The following message appears on the terminal, and no progress has been seen even after leaving it for about 30 minutes.

Install C:/msys64/home/USER/spresense/firmware/spresense/AESM.espk
Command not found —rrrr
updater# install-b115200
## Not ACK, Not NAK
######################################################NotACK, Not NAK
## Not ACK, Not NAK
### Not ACK, Not NAK
## Not ACK, Not NAK

Not ACK, Not NAK
Not ACK, Not NAK


Command not found: XXXi||JPp,Xm
Command not found:_c
Command not found:d>Tdo:NB
Command not found:ph3g5*=:Hjk5S&rVinstall

The terminal screen does not move forward here.

To determine if the problem is with the board, we did the following, and Arduino IDE was able to write
I think the board is normal.

·Implement recovery tools and re-execute after recovery
上記The above symptoms remain the same

·Rebuild the environment by specifying past SDK version 2.5.1 and git clone
上記The above symptoms remain the same

·Write the boot loader in the Arduino IDE environment
Comm Command not found:rrr was displayed, but subsequent writes were performed.
 Write and run programs

I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice as I cannot find a clue to the solution.


2022-12-05 09:34

1 Answers

Do you use the latest CP210x driver for Silicon lab on Windows 10 or something?

There was no problem with my environment, perhaps because the driver was old (10.1 2021/01/08), but when I installed the latest Siliconlab driver (11.2 2022/10/21) it seems that the symptom is indicated.
There seems to be a problem, so I think you should drop it to the previous version.
However, I don't think I have an old version with me for the first time, but I looked for it at the silconlab headquarters, but I couldn't find it, so I looked at the presense guide and found that 11.1 was available.
(I don't think it was mentioned before, so I would like you to write it in the history...)

It seems that this phenomenon does not appear here.
However, when I installed driver 11.2, the symptom did not disappear when I put 11.1 in the driver update, and it took some time to try my old version, but I finally deleted the INF and PNF files and responded.
The following information is helpful.

After installing driver 11.2, ArduinoIDE also received a new error message.As you said, I was able to write the boot loader, but looking at these, it would be better not to use 11.2.

2022-12-05 09:41

If you have any answers or tips

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