SPRESENSE HDR Camera Does Not Boot in Darkness

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 256 views

I'm trying to use the SPRESENSE HDR camera (CXD5602PWBCAM2W), but I can't take pictures in the dark.
The official website says, "You can get clear images even in dark places where traditional sensors were difficult to deal with, or in environments where there is a big difference in light and dark, such as backlighting," but they don't take pictures themselves.
Do I need to rewrite the camera sample program?
The development environment has been used by ArduinoIDE even before the HDR camera was released, and ArduinoIDE has updated it so that HDR cameras can be used.

sense camera

2022-11-26 22:40

1 Answers

I use an HDR camera, but I can't take pictures in the dark with little light.
The maximum camera illumination is 100,000 lux at the following sites:


The HDR camera has a dynamic range of 120 dB, so 6 digits is valid.
So the minimum illumination is about 0.1 lux.
I think the limit is the dim room environment where visibility works.
Even if I actually use it, I can take pictures in color if that's about it.
If the room is completely dark and completely unrecognizable, the image will be full of noise.

2022-11-27 07:15

If you have any answers or tips

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