Unable to modularize? on spresnense config.py.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 369 views

2-3 projects on config.py?I'd like to, but I can't press M key.
If you enable the required project with the "Y" key, you will get a compilation error occurs.
Also, since there are many cases of lack of recognition just after starting the presentation, please let me know if there is a mistake.
Thank you for your cooperation.

I took a look at make.def, but I was able to compile them all together in the project.


2022-11-25 06:53

1 Answers

"If you can't press the ""M"" key, I think you want to make the application a low-double ELF."

I think this tutorial will help you with the low-double ELF.
https://developer.sony.com/develop/spresense/docs/sdk_tutorials_ja.html#_ Low-Double elf Tutorial

The procedure is to keep the Kconfig of the app trite

    US>trite "XXX example"
    default n

Then, with feature/loadable enabled, if you open menuconfig,
You will be able to choose between Y, M, and N for CONFIG with trite.

$./tools/config.py feature/loadble
$ ./tools/config.py-m


because the "Y" key indicates a compilation error when activating the required project. Even if I switch to a module with the "M" key, I feel that I get the same compilation error.

2022-11-25 08:42

If you have any answers or tips

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