I want to use external web APIs with reference limitations from the development environment.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 365 views

Assume the web service in the development environment is running on docker

In /etc/hosts test.local

on chrome. http://test.local:3000
DNS error occurs even if I try to insert it into the display.

Trend Micro Web Security as a Service
DNS Error
503 Service Not Available

Event Details:
test.local server name resolution failed

Then the web app page running on docker will be displayed

Can't /etc/hosts settings be involved in DNS name resolution on the browser?

Is there any way to use web APIs with referrals restrictions in a development environment?

The operating system is MacOS


When I saw the error, I noticed that there was a security proxy in it.
Is this the problem?
Even so, I think that resolution of etc/hosts takes precedence over proxy settings.

Try disconnecting wifi and accessing the browser
I could still access it with localhost, but
Test.local results in connection error

You are not connected to the Internet
Please try the following:

Check Network Cables, Modems, and Routers
Reconnect to Wi-Fi

macos dns

2022-11-22 23:43

1 Answers

I don't know why, but if you access it now,
You can now access it normally in the

What I couldn't do was
/etc/hosts Edit and Restart OS
Chrome Cache Delete Hard Load

Change around 13:00 /etc/hosts
I edited the question and it didn't work yet around 14:13, but
After that, I left the same tab unattended (before 17:00) and reloaded again to connect.

I understand that DNS cache takes a certain amount of time if you are going through DNS, but
In the case of /etc/hosts, I thought there would be no cache, but I wonder if there is any

The cause is a mystery, but it has been solved, so I will close it

2022-11-22 23:53

If you have any answers or tips

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