Member ID to appear in the text

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 347 views

If my ID registered on the homepage is apple

How can I make the code appear like, "Hello, apple" on the product details image?

And put "_My ID" at the end of the site's address Like this, you can add an underhyphen I'd like to create a personal page for each member.

I made a button to go straight to this page What code should I enter to connect to the above address on this button?

html css

2022-11-20 21:44

1 Answers

Think about Excel. If there are only two products, it may be much better to manage up to two sheets by hand. But what if there are 200 products? Of course, we're going to put together an Excel function. At this point, you will "enter" a "code" that refers to a particular cell value. So far, you don't have any questions as to why you have to?

But this principle is actually the same on the homepage. In terms of "output," Excel sheets and HTML are the same. If there are only two members, it would be better to make each page for member 1 and member 2, but if there are more members than that:

If you are using a shopping mall solution, please contact the manufacturer of the solution, and if not... Well... If you're learning PHP, you'll "enter" a code" like this.

I'm not sure how long you're going to go on, but start something anyway. I hope it was helpful.

2022-11-21 18:08

If you have any answers or tips

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