We are developing a function to call an external API through the vue.js language as described in the title.
As I developed it, I have to implement the following behavior, but I am inquiring because I keep getting errors when I call the API in the forEach statement.
[Flow Chart]
1) API-1 call (return value: array)
2) Execute the received array value forEach statement
3) Invoke API-2 with the information in the array value as a parameter
The error message is as follows.
JsonToExcelAll > catch : TypeError: **Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '$store')**
at eval (d:\3.0\src\components\SideListContentsTable.vue?c027:697:1)
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at eval (webpack-internal:///849:694:18) {stack: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefine…
at eval (webpack-internal:///849:694:18)', message: 'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '$store')'}
Calling API-2 outside the forEach statement works fine... Please give me an answer as to why...ㅠ<
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parseJsonToExcel2 (getTabInfo, getDongInfo) { // Excel download function
const self = this
this.json_to_excel = []
this.$store.dispatch('postSystemInfo', { // API-1
header: {
cmd: '1'
}).then((data) => {
if (data.result.status == '000' && data.header.cmd == '2') {
_.forEach(_.orderBy(data.data.list, ['dong', 'ho'], ['asc', 'asc']), function (dong, i) {
arr_dong.push(dong) // contained in this information array
// I want to throw parameters using the same information of the array value as it is in the for statement
// Calling API-2 in here error...
arr_dong.forEach(function (value, index) {
// // console.log('TEST ====>> dong : ', value + " / i : " + index)
this.$store.dispatch('postDeviceStatus', { // API-2
header: { cmd: '1' }, data: { dong: arr_dong[0], floor: 'all', line: 'all' }
}).then((data) => {
_.forEach(_.orderBy(data.data.data.list, ['dong', 'ho'], ['asc', 'asc']), function (data, pos) {
getDong = data.dong
getHo = data.ho
getComm = data.comm
_.forEach(_.orderBy(data.devices, ['uid'], ['asc']), function (v) {
let json = {
'Comm Status': getComm,
'Device ID': v.uid,
'Device Status': v.status,
if (!_.isEmpty(this.json_to_excel)) {
var worksheetByJson = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(this.json_to_excel);
var book = XLSX.utils.book_new();
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(book, worksheetByJson, getDong + "동");
XLSX.writeFile(book, '상세_' + moment().format('YYYYMMDDHHmmss') + '.xlsx');
} } else {
self.$store.commit('setAlertActive', { flag: true, msg: data.result.message })
}).catch((e) => {
console.log('JsonToExcelAll > catch : ', e)
arr_dong.forEach(function (value, index) {
// Here
// // API-2
this.$store.dispatch('postDeviceStatus', {
header: { cmd: '1' }, data: { dong: arr_dong[0], floor: 'all', line: 'all' }
}).then((data) => {
API-2 refers to this
, but if you put this code in here
as it is, it is a simple reference error that occurs because this
points to different things. Because within a function, this
becomes the object that owns that function.
Simply put:
arr_dong.forEach(function (value, index) {
this.$store.dispatch('postDeviceStatus', { // API-2
header: { cmd: '1' }, data: { dong: arr_dong[0], floor: 'all', line: 'all' }
})... // Omit
Because the function you provided in Array.forEach()
is an anonymous function, this
becomes the global object of the browser, window
. Anonymous functions are owned by a global object in the JavaScript executable. And window
doesn't have a $store
There is an exception, but the arrow function does not change the scope of this
. Please refer to the example below.
let obj = {
executeMe() {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('function this:', this);
}, 100);
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('arrow this', this);
}, 100);
// // function this: Window ...
// // arrow this: Object ...
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