Which object is the standard Python feature that allows you to freely set properties?

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 263 views

Could you tell me how Python's standard feature allows you to set properties under any name?
I would like to do the following, but do I have to create my own class?
I'd like to know another smart way.

classMyObject():#← Don't bother to create your own class, you want to set properties freely like dict.

obj.x = 'AA'
obj.y = 'BB'
obj.z = 'CC'

print(obj.x, obj.y, obj.z)

dict requires key brackets to specify properties.
The namedtuple must specify configurable properties in advance.

python python3

2022-11-15 07:32

2 Answers


import types

obj.x = 'AA'
obj.y = 'BB'
obj.z = 'CC'

print(obj.x, obj.y, obj.z)#AA BBCC

As a mental exercise, you can create your own class of objects in one line without class definition (creating but not constraining variables):

obj=type("NameSpace", (object,), {})()

2022-11-15 08:28

class type(name, bases, dict, **kwds) or

IPython7.31.1 -- An enhanced interactive Python.Type '?' for help.

In[1]—X=type('X', (), dict(x='A', y='B', z='C')))

In[2]: X

In[3]: X.x, X.y, X.z
Out[3]: ('A', 'B', 'C')

In[4]: obj=X()

In [5]: [a for a indir(obj) if not a.startswith('_')]
Out [5]: ['x', 'y', 'z']

In[6]: {a:getattr(obj,a)for a indir(obj)if not a.startwith('_')}
Out[6]: {'x': 'A', 'y': 'B', 'z': 'C'}

In [7]:

In addition,
Namespace or

of argparse
In[7]:from argparse import Namespace

In[8]:o=Namespace(bar='BAR', foo=True)

In[9]: o.bar
Out [9]: 'BAR'

Out [10]—Namespace (bar='BAR', foo=True)

In [11]:

2022-11-15 08:33

If you have any answers or tips

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