Understanding How Java Open Files Without a System Cache for Reading and Writing Data

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 438 views

Question Summary

Could you tell me how Java can do the following things that Win32 API does?
"Open files without a system cache to read and write data"

I'm investigating, but I can't find any means at the moment.
Also, I received information that sun.nio.fs.WindowsNativeDispatcher is possible, but I gave up the package below sun because I cannot use it due to business reasons.


Why NO_BUFFERING is required

Thank you for your advice on this question.Add a description of why NO_BUFFERING is required.

For example, let's say that two people, A and B, performed the following tasks for a single file at approximately the same time.
①A looks at the file
②B also refer to the above file
③A updates the above files
④B refers to the above file

When referring to の, there is no particular problem as long as the contents updated by A are reflected.
However, in the unlikely event that the contents of the actual file are referring to an unreflected disk cache, B is concerned that it will end up referring to a file that does not reflect the updated contents of A (reference in the state of = 2).

Therefore, if we can refer to NO_BUFFERING, the above concerns will be resolved.
In addition, there is a possibility that exclusive control may be used to solve the problem, but due to business reasons, it is impossible to add exclusive control.

Research so far

When you open a file using Java's java.io.FileInputStream, it appears that you open it using the system cache.
以下 As a result of following the source as below, it appears to be open with FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL for CreateFileWflagsAndAttributes.

publicFileInputStream(File file)throwsFileNotFoundException{
    String name=(file!=null?file.getPath():null);
    SecurityManager security=System.getSecurityManager();
        through new NullPointerException();
        through new FileNotFoundException("Invalid file path");
    fd = new FileDescriptor();
private void open (String name) threads FileNotFoundException {
private native void open0(String name) threads FileNotFoundException;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_java_io_FileInputStream_open0(JNIEnv*env, jobject this, jstring path){
    fileOpen(env, this, path, fis_fd, O_RDONLY); 
void fileOpen(JNIenv*env, job this, jstring path, jfieldID fid, int flags) {
    FD h = winFileHandleOpen(env, path, flags);
winFileHandleOpen(JNIEnv*env, jstring path, int flags) {
    const DWORD access=
    const DWORD sharing=
    const DWORD disposition=
        /* Note: O_TRUNCoverrides O_CREAT*/
    const DWORD maybeWriteThrough=
        (flags&(O_SYNC|O_DSYNC)) ?
    const DWORD maybeDeleteOnClose=
        (flags & O_TEMPORARY)?
    const DWORD flagsAndAttributes=maybeWriteThrough |maybeDeleteOnClose;
    HANDLE h = NULL;

    WCHAR* pathbuf = pathToNTPath(env, path, JNI_TRUE);
        /* Exception already pending*/
    h = CreateFileW(
        pathbuf, /* Wide char pathname */
        access, /* Read and /or write permission*/
        sharing, /* File sharing flags */
        NULL, /* Security attributes*/
        disposition, /* creation disposition*/
        flagsAndAttributes, /* flags and attributes*/

        throughFileNotFoundException(env, path);

Thank you for your cooperation.

java file-input/output

2022-11-11 23:28

2 Answers

As it is not based on facts, please forgive me for the inappropriate answer.
@774RR refused to correct it, so I had no choice but to write it.

Personally, I don't think it's possible without using JNI.
I don't know if a library containing it is available on the market.

If it's disk access synchronization, I think it's file or page lock, but if it's limited to Java and there's only one node or process, I had the impression that it should be synchronized a little higher than disk access (how do you feel)?Disk caching is done by the OS and devices, and buffering is done by the app/library side.If synchronization is a problem after the operating system, it may be a file system specific specification or an OS or device bug.In any case, if you're going to answer the question, you'll have to be more specific.

2022-11-12 00:32

NO_BUFFERING alone cannot avoid the following scenario, so it may be useless to think about it

Logically, when one piece of data (which is supposed to be class) happens to be stored across sectors (or clusters) m and n (m and n are separated, but it is not 0 that it is difficult to happen)

Thread 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Read thread 2-m ------------------- n ---
  The m read here is the old value, and the n read here is the new value.

Thread 2 reads some old, some new, or broken

Well, the situation is exactly the same as that of a 16-bit CPU that normally handles 32-bit values with a 32-bit CPU that is not atomic. So, as a general rule, "If non-atomic processing can overlap, exclusion is required." It's not that NO_BUFFERING no longer reproduces it.
# It just so happens that with the current internal implementation of Windows, probability 0 = may not occur, but

Therefore, I would recommend that you exclude it completely.Even if you show this, if you have a boss who says, "Exclusion is prohibited because the bug that deadlocks has not been removed," Oira will doubt the development technology and the system.

2022-11-12 05:49

If you have any answers or tips

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