How to Resolve Errors

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 360 views

from traillets.config.application import logging
def AND(a,b):
  A = a * b
  return A
def OR(a,b):
   if a == 1:
     if b == 1:
        A = 1
        A = 0

def NOT(a):
  if a == 1:
    A = 0
  if a == 0:
    A = 1
  return A

def ha(a,b):
    A1 = OR(a,b)
    keta = AND(a,b)
    A2 = NOT (keta)
    A = AND (A1, A2)
    return A, keta

  A1,keta1 = ha(a,b)
  A,keta2 = ha(A1,x)
  keta=OR (keta1, keta2)
  return A, keta

a = input ("binary number")
b = input ("the binary plus")
k = k - 1
x = 0
while k>=0:
  ha = int(a(k))
  fa = int(b(k))
  x = keta
  k = k - 1
  print(a, "+", b, "=", gookei)

I'd like to do a binary calculation using half-add and full-add. Below the last while syntax,

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
     40 while k>=0:
--- >41 ha = int(a(k))
     42 fa = int(b(k))
     43 A, keta = fa(a, b, x)
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

appears, and the process does not proceed.Please let me know


2022-11-09 17:15

1 Answers

As a whole, there are about three major mistakes.

Extraction of Elements

while k>=0:
  ha = int(a(k))
  fa = int(b(k))

a[k], b[k] if you want to take it out

  • ha, fa are used as function names, so they are overwritten.Should be a different variable name
  • The value specified for the function fa should be the previous "extracted value" instead of a, b

2022-11-09 20:40

If you have any answers or tips

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