I want to implement HLS playback using rails, react-player and hls.js.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 388 views

With rails at the back end and react/typescript at the front, we would like to implement the streaming playback feature using react-player and hls.js.

Currently, I use a video tag to retrieve mp4 from Amazon S3 via cloudfront and play it.

The react-player may also be compatible with hls.js, but the image of the implementation does not appear.
I would appreciate it if you could give me some helpful examples.

javascript reactjs typescript video hls

2022-11-08 16:46

1 Answers

react-player uses hls.js internally.Download and invoke hls.js from the CDN as needed.

If you want to change the hls.js settings, you can configure file.hlsOptions in Config prop.

2022-11-08 19:33

If you have any answers or tips

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