I don't know why the number of elements changes when the type is converted to numpy type view
arr = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.uint16)
array([0, 0], dtype=np.uint16)
array([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
array([0], dtype=uint32)
I changed the type from 1.uint16 to uint8, but I don't understand why [0,0] increased the element to [0,0,0,0]. I just changed the type...
Even if you change the tie from 2.uint8 to uint32, why only one comes out as [0]...
Does the type change affect the number of elements? Please tell me the reason why it changes so much different <
python numpy
>>> arr = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.uint16)
>>> arr
array([0, 0], dtype=uint16)
>>> arr.view(np.uint8)
array([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
>>> arr
array([0, 0], dtype=uint16)
>>> arr[0] = 0xabcd
>>> arr
array([43981, 0], dtype=uint16)
>>> arr.view(np.uint8)
array([205, 171, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
>>> hex(205)
>>> hex(171)
>>> arr[0] = 0xabcd
>>> arr[1] = 0x1234
>>> arr
array([43981, 4660], dtype=uint16)
>>> viewhex = lambda l: list(map(hex, l))
>>> viewhex(arr)
['0xabcd', '0x1234']
>>> viewhex(arr.view(np.uint8))
['0xcd', '0xab', '0x34', '0x12']
>>> viewhex(arr.view(np.uint32))
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